Repair extra is a single component, high strength polymer modified, and fiber-reinforced repair mortar. Repair extra is a blend of dry powders, selected aggregate, and fibers which when mixed with water produces a thyrotrophic mortar suit-able for vertical and overhead application``
1. Repair of all types of structural concrete where high strength and extremely low shrinkage properties are required.
2. For the repair of vertical and overhead elements
3. As a repair mortar for all structural elements in buildings, water retaining structures, industrial plants, bridges, etc.
1 powder-based component
1. The surface should be sound, clean, free from loose material, grease, laitance, dirt, curing compound, etc. All damaged and weak concrete should be cut back to reach sound concrete and or to minimum depth of at least 10mm. Corroded steel reinforcement should be grit blasted or sanded to remove all rust and sand traces.
2. Add 6 liters of clean water to container.
3. Using an electronic mixer with low speed, mix the Poly Repair for 3 min until uniform consistency is obtained.
4. Leave the mixture to set for 3 minutes. Poly Repair must be used within 45 min from mixing and no extra amount of water must be added.
5. Fill the cracks using a spatula or a trowel
Plastic density approx.: 2300 kg / m³
Compressive strength at:> 25N / mm² at 1day
Indirect tensile strength: 3.6N / mm² at 28day
20 ° C: 70N / mm² at28days
Application temperature: N/A
Yield: 2m²/25kg bag
Comprehensive Strength: >25N/mm² at1day
Mixing ratio: 6 liter of water for 25kg bag of repair extra
Original sealed container has a shelf life of 12 months provided it is stored clear of ground and moisture and in a dry shaded place around 25°C.
EN 1504-3 British Standards Institute: BS 1881: Part 116: