A non-shrinking thixotropic repair mortar with fibers which is also ready to use mortar mainly consists of sand (reconstituted grain size range) cement, Fiber sand special cement additives that provide special properties:non-shrinking, thixotropic, high strength, high adhesion, compactness: it’s very closed-grain size slows down carbonation
1. Repair of concrete surfaces, honeycombing, edges of steps, and all types of load-bearing situations.
2. Restoring the structure of damaged construction: columns, slabs, vaults, mats, and dam overflows.
3. Reinforcing of weakened structures such as balconies, pedestals, and cornices.
1 powder-based component
1. The surface should be sound, clean, free from loose material, grease, laitance, dirt, curing compound, etc. All damaged and weak concrete should be cut back to reach sound concrete and or to minimum depth of at least 10mm. Corroded steel reinforcement should be grit blasted or sanded to remove all rust and sand traces.
2. Add 8 liters of clean water to 20 kg.
3. Using an electronic mixer, mix the Poly Repair for 3 min until a homogenous mixture is achieved.
4. Leave the mixture to set for 3 minutes. Poly Repair must be used within one hour from mixing and no extra amount of water must be added.
5. Fill the cracks using a spatula or a trowel.
Grain size: 0 to 2.5mm
Mortar density: 2.2
PH: 12
Thickness: 5 to 50 mm in one coat
Density: 1.28
Application temperature: from 5 to 35 ° C
Yield: 20 Kg mixed with 4 to 4.5 Ltr of water gives 13lts of mixed adhesive
Initial setting: 25 min
Comprehensive Strength: >40N/mm² at 28 days
Flexural Strength: >7N/mm² at 28 days
Adhesion: 0.8N/mm² at 28 days
Thickness: 5-50 mm in one coat
Mixing water: 8 liters per 20 kg bag
Original sealed container has a shelf life of 12 months provided it is stored clear of ground and moisture and in a dry shaded place around 25°C.
American National Standards Institute: ASTMC67