A two-component high performing epoxy grout system. Easy to apply ideal for indusial grouting in addition to ceramic tiles and mosaics.
1- Used to support and align critical equipment
2- Applications requiring corrosion resistance
3- Applications such as kitchen counters, backsplashes, floors, and other heavy-traffic areas.
Two Liquid Components A (hardener) and B (Resin)
Preparation of the joints:
The joints must be clean, free of dust and free from adhesive to at least 2/3 of the thickness of the tiles. Any adhesive or mortar which has seeped into the joints while laying the tiles must be removed while still fresh. Before grouting, make sure the installation mortar or adhesive has set and most of the moisture has been lost.
Preparation of the mix:
Pour the part B into the container of part A and mix well until a smooth paste is obtained. We recommend using a low-speed electric mixer to guarantee perfect blending, and to avoid overheating of the mix which would reduce working times. Use the mix within 30 minutes of preparation
Density of mix (kg / m3): 1,600
Application temperature range: from 7 ° C to 40 ° C
Flexural strength: 38
Compressive strength (N / mm2): 49
Original sealed container has a shelf life of 12 months provided it is stored clear of ground and moisture and in a dry shaded place around 25°C.
European Standards: EN 13888:2009 European Standards: EN 13888: CG2 WA