Epoxy 770 is a high build, hard wearing, solvent free epoxy resin coating, designed to provide a hard and glossy coating to concrete floors. It is supplied as a coloured base (resin) and hardener in pre-weighted quantities ready for onsite mixing and use.
1- Used as protective and decorative coating that requires high chemical resistance and hard wearing floor
2- Aircraft hangars, Car parking, Showrooms, and Warehouses
3- Industrial uses such as: soft drink and beverage production areas, dairy production areas and general food processing and manufacturing plants.
Two Liquid Components (A) Hardner and B (Resin)
1- The surface should be sound, clean, free from loose material, grease, laitance, dirt curing compound, etc.
2- Add the Epoxy Primer to the surface and leave it for one day to dry well
3- After the epoxy primer has dried up, fill in any cracks with epoxy putty using a putty knife and leave it to dry for 5 hours
4- Mix Polyweds Epoxy components “A the resin ” and “B the hardener” very well and leave them for a maximum period of three minutes.
5- Apply the mixture of components “A” and “B” using an epoxy roll and let it set for 6 hours.
6- Apply the second coat of epoxy in the opposite direction and leave it for 12 hours.
Compressive strength: 70N/mm2 @ 25 C̊
Flexural strength: 40N/mm2 @ 25 C̊
Tensile strength: 20N/mm2 @ 25 C̊
Bond strength: 2.0N/mm2 (concrete failure)
Solid content: 100%
Original sealed container has a shelf life of 12 months provided it is stored clear of ground and moisture and in a dry shaded place around 25°C.
British Standards Institute: BS 6920:2000