An Adhesive anchor system that has been specially formulated as a high performance, three epoxy component adhesive anchor system for threaded rods and reinforcing bars in uncracked concrete to suit various applications.
1- Threaded rods, bolts and special fastening / fixing systems Mechanical and electrical services installation (heating and ventilating, sanitary, etc)
2- Anchoring of supports for ducting and equipment Metalwork, and carpentry.
3- Fixing of Substrates: Fixing of handrails, balustrades and supports, fixing of railings, fixing of window and door frames, concrete, hollow and solid masonry, steel, wood hard natural and reconstituted stone, and Solid rock
Three components – (A) Resin – (B) Hardener – (C) Powder based Component
1- The surface should be sound, clean, free from loose material, grease, laitance, dirt, curing compound, etc.
2- Mix Poly Epoxy primer components “A the resin” and “B the hardner” very well with a mechanical mixer.
3- After thoroughly mixing, add component “C the sand” and mix for additional 2 minutes until the mixture is viscous
4- fill the drilled hole with the Poly epoxy anchor-fix mixture, then proceed to fixing the steel rod inside the gap, and hold the rod firmly for 3 minutes.
5- Leave it for five hours to fully dry and set.
Density @ 25oC, kg / ltr 1.76 ± 0.02
Adhesion to concrete (concrete failure) N / mm2:> 1.5
Tensile Strength N / mm2 @ 7days: 15 ± 0.5
Compressive strength, N / mm @ 7days 75 ± 1
Original sealed container has a shelf life of 12 months provided it is stored clear of ground and moisture and in a dry shaded place around 25°C.
European Standards: EN 1504-6:2000